Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Hot off the press (after I finished closing a deal on a really nice new guitar off Craigslist) -- John McCain is making noises about ducking Debate #1 with Barack Obama citing his need to be in DC helping to wrap Christmas bonus bailout packages for Wall Street CEOs.
So far, Sen. Obama is not rising to the bait. Actually, the Senator has an excellent point that at a moment like this, the American people need to hear from the next President of the United States about what he will do, since Uncurious George is packin' china and pouring over blueprints for his Presidential library (I can't wait to visit that!).
My two-cents. The ploy will likely solidify Johnny Mac's standing with his core. Obama isnt trying to sway the Volkischer Beobachter (aka Fox TV) crowd to his corner. All the dude has to do is hold the Kerry states and add three. He's got Iowa and Virginia and Colorado are in play. So, from my end CNN and the other networks will call the stunt for what it is and Obama gets a national stage all to himself, with PBS' Jim Lehrer to boot. Might as well roll up a round table, a pitcher of water, Charlie Rose and turn it into a fundraiser!

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