Saturday, September 13, 2008

DeJa Vu -- Republicans Looking to Party Like its 2004

Feeling like old times folks? Check out Howard Fineman's article from MSNBC about the mistakes the Obama campaign is making.

I generally find that I agree with Fineman's points. That said, a couple of things on my mind.

First, Obama has a grassroots ground game that Kerry didn't in '04. Assuming they can turn out newly registered voters and the the Republican dirty tricks don't prevent too many of them from casting a ballot, then I am not sure how much the polls really tell us -- more than Republican voters, when confronted with an intellegent, young, self-confident African-American candidate will gladly check their brains at the door and vote for an aging American vet who has comprimised every core fiber of this being, including putting a total ditz one 72-year-old heartbeat away from the desk in the Oval Office.

Second, I think Obama's core voters are voting FOR him as opposed to AGAINST McCain. Remember, in '04 a lot (perhaps most) Dems didn't love Kerry as much as we hated Bush. Pollster Scott Rasmussen says election wins are driven by favorables -- that is, no one wins an election by getting folks to vote against the other guy.

Those points made, I agree with Fineman that Team Obama has to get their collective heads back in the game especially while there is time to do it.

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