Sunday, August 31, 2008

Gloomy Gus Threatens to Rain on the Parade

Well, its not only the Fox News (aka Völkischer Beobachter -- remember the Nazi newspaper "We Report, We Decide") pundits that are blowing hard after a topsy-turvy 48 hours since the Palin announcement. Looks like Hurricane Gustav is barrelling pell mell for the Gulf Coast in an eerie reminder of Katrina three years ago (almost to the day).

Kinda makes you think for a moment about whether there is another hand in all of this. So, without further adieu, my two cents from both sides of the equation.

God is a Democrat

Gustav will hit the Gulf Coast wreaking havoc and, despite Shrub's best effort to be on the ground, we will see Homeland Security botch the job yet again. This reinforces the "
McCain is Bush III" arguement.

God is a Republican

Gustav has already created three great ops for the GOP. One, Bush and Cheney get a pass on attending the convention and therefore do not speak -- and I for one was dying of curiosity as to how the planners were going to distance Bush from McCain. Two, Bush gets to actually look Presidential. Three, days before the convetion begins, McCain and Palin (The Geezer and Gidget) are on the ground down in the Gulf Coast while Obama and Biden are trolling for votes in Ohio.

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